From Amsterdam with love!

Hello, and welcome to Cloud Riders Store, where I design, manufacture and sell accessories for Storz & Bickel Vaporisers (source manufacture). At the moment I’m working on few projects, the Mighty Grinder is the main one. It’s a Grinder that fits on the Mighty & Crafty vaporiser, using a similar filling aid device so you can grind right into it and savour every trichome. Also I’m in the middle of moving from Melbourne to the Netherlands and I’m almost finished designing and testing a Charging Stand for the Mighty.

From Amsterdam with love!

I’ve started writing this post Friday the second but that day I had a minor incident where I cut all eight of my fingers, nothing serious but typing wasn’t pleasant for few days, so I thought I’ll finish the post in the airport while I’m waiting for my plane, That didn’t happen as the queue stretched from the check-in desk to the airport’s door two hours before the flight.

Melbourne airport management has decided due to the massive staff shortage to open only three counters to check in around 420 passengers in two hours. the math doesn’t add up, eventually they opened few more counters and we started moving in queues all the way to the seat with no time to spare.

Next the plane was delayed for an hour and a half because they didn’t have staff to load the luggage into it, that was extremely pleasent in the upright position of the economy class seat.

Credit to Emirates though, the pilot was really apologetic and promised to make up for the delay, please don’t let your wild imagination wonder far and think it was because of our inconvenience! No. just so the connecting passengers which count for the majority won’t cause more plane’s delays.

So the pilot got to do what most men like to do, floor it!! we only lost half an hour, he made up for one full hour in a fourteenth hours flight. Impressive!

The Question will always stand though; why not floor it all the time? there are no speed cameras up there.

The next part of this post is what I wrote in Melbourne before leaving and I’ve decided to leave it as it was.

Yes! I fly to Holland today, I’ll spend a night in Dubai with my relatives and continue to Amsterdam the next day where a friend of mine will be waiting for me in the airport.

A new chapter of my life will be starting soon. It is so surreal! In my brain I can see the pictures and the end of an era of my life. I can see the faces of the people and all the major events that led to this discussion.

I had great last two days with my Family, took my son out today and we had a day together. His laughter will accompany me, I can always hear it ringing in my head. Pure and simple.

I’ve made some improvements to the charging stand. (but after buying the mighty+, I have to do more)

I’m going through heaps of personal issues as I’m moving by myself and I can’t really concentrate on working.

I’m hoping the car will sell before I go. (it didn’t)

I’ve ordered my Mighty+, it should be delivered today to my mate’s house in the Netherlands.

One night in Dubai and Hello Europe.

“In Amsterdam” I will be recording the grinder’s video this week. That’s all for now. I know this post is out of sync but it has to go.

have a great week and peace out. ✌️ ☮️

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