
As a passionate Mighty user, I always aimed to enhance the overall experience of using the vape. The health benefits and lack of smell were great, but for me, it was the flavours and temperature control that were game changers. I initially purchased the vape to reduce the smell of smoking, as my son had pointed out that I stunk. However, over time, the Mighty became an indispensable part of my life.

During my use of the Mighty, I often found myself thinking about how I could make the experience even better. One such moment was when I was sitting in a windy place, enjoying the sunset, listening to music, and filling my Mighty with herbs. Unfortunately, the wind would often blow away some of the herbs, ruining what could have been a perfect moment. To solve this problem, I created the Cloud Riders Grinder – a grinder specifically designed for the Mighty filler, which grinds the herbs directly into the filler to prevent any wastage.

This product has been a game-changer for me, and I plan to develop more products in the future.